[F]irst Response, [A]ccelerated Development, [C]ommunity Health, [E]mpowerment Programs.

First Response

In the regions of the Middle East and Africa, FoH actively responds to humanitarian crises. Our relief efforts are designed to offer comprehensive assistance during emergencies, addressing both the immediate physical and spiritual needs of those affected.

Our emergency relief programs are multifaceted and aim to provide timely support to victims of famine, natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and other emergency crises. FoH’s focus during these efforts is to deliver the essential elements for survival, including food, water, and emergency medical aid. For more detailed information on our first-response mobile camps, please Click here.

Accelerated Development

FoH Accelerated Development programs are catalysts for individuals, equipping them with essential tools and resources to thrive in their missions. Within these programs, participants access valuable short-term development opportunities, such as academic sponsorships and specialized ministry training. These initiatives are meticulously crafted to address the critical aspects of leadership development and training, ultimately preparing individuals for effective deployment in the mission field.

Some of our current programs include the:

  1. Eastleigh Outreach Project
  2.  African Diaspora Training Program,
  3. UPG Pastors Development Program.

Community Health

FoH community health programs are dedicated to enhancing physical health conditions while offering spiritual guidance. This is achieved through thoughtfully coordinated efforts, including medical first-response initiatives and the establishment of community-based clinics. Under this pillar, our programs encompass:
  1. FoH Medical Clinics: Expanding community-based healthcare services.
  2. FoH Medical Missions: Engaging in medical outreach missions.
  3. FoH First Response Mobile Medical Camps: Rapid response in times of crisis.
  4. FoH Eye-See Project: Focusing on eye care and vision health.

Empowerment Programs

The Call to Worship draws inspiration from the rich tapestry of faith expressed through music, which has historically fueled missions, charity, and the proclamation of the gospel. This initiative seeks to rekindle our zeal for the unfinished task of making disciples and inviting people from all walks of life to embrace wholehearted worship of Jesus Christ. To learn more about the Call to Worship, please visit our website. Visit Call to Worship