FOH Eye-See Project

Raise Awareness & Treat Eye-Disease

Timely intervention plays a pivotal role in safeguarding against the debilitating effects of common eye ailments, preventing irreversible vision impairment, and averting the descent into blindness. This is where the Eye-See Project emerges as a beacon of hope, with a resolute mission to not just raise awareness but to actively combat eye diseases.

Our unwavering commitment manifests through on-ground initiatives such as free eye screenings, comprehensive treatment, and precise eyeglass prescriptions delivered directly to underserved communities. The two main adversaries in our sights are glaucoma and myopia, both of which threaten the precious gift of sight.

A message from the Eye-See Director

Here’s how you can become a vital part of this vision-saving journey:

Financial Contributions: Your generous financial support serves as the cornerstone for our operations. Every contribution, regardless of the amount, becomes a potent force against the darkness of eye diseases.

Volunteer Engagement: If you’re passionate about making a tangible difference, consider signing up as a volunteer. Your time and expertise can help us extend our reach and impact.

Equipment and Glasses Donations: We gratefully accept donations of eyesight glasses and essential medical equipment. Your surplus eyeglasses could become a lifeline for someone in need.

Glaucoma & Myopia

Glaucoma, the second leading cause of global blindness, is joined by emerging eye conditions like myopia that affect families in Africa and the Middle East. Accessibility to eye care is a major concern, with one or less than one Ophthalmologist for every million people in Africa. Financial constraints prevent many from affording eyeglasses, medicines, and lifelong eye drops.

Your support can make a profound difference. Help us preserve sight and provide spiritual insight to those in need in Africa and the Middle East.

We invite you to join us in this project. If you’re interested in volunteering, please reach out for further details.