Mobilize, equip, and deploy pastors and missionaries working among UPGs


The FoH UPG Training program mobilizes, equips, and deploys pastors and missionaries in ministry amongst unreached people group (UPG) communities. We believe that deepening pastors’ and missionaries’ teaching and discipleship practices make them more effective local church leaders and disciple-makers in the UPG communities.


We would appreciate one-time and recurring donations to help expand these efforts. Click here for more information on how you or your local church can partner with us. 

Core Values


Integrity & Accountability





Our mission is to identify, train and equip pastors and missionaries serving unreached people groups (UPG). Deepening the UPG pastors’ theological and pastoral training makes them better local church leaders and disciple-makers in UPG communities. Through our intensive pastors and missionaries training programs, the ministers receive encouragement in their faith and are taught sound theology to support UPGs local churches and reach the lost.


We would appreciate your financial contributions of any amount. Recurring donations help sustain these efforts. Click here for more information on how you or your local church can partner with us. 

African Diaspora Training

The FoH African Diaspora Training program is “placed for a purpose” to empower selected African representatives to live healthy and productive lives as they work abroad as guest workers and missionaries. The program advises and mentors candidates and partnering agencies on work abroad ministry. We train through short and long-term seminars to equip workers for cross-cultural adaption. Please contact us for more information on the African Diaspora Training program and how you can partner with us. 

Partner with us

We want to invite your local church to help train pastors and missionaries serving in UPG communities through onsite or virtual training sessions. We accept donations of laptops, bibles, and any resources that would help develop the pastors and diaspora workers. 


We would also value an opportunity to share more about our training and diaspora mobilization programs with your local church. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information on how your local church can assist FoH in advancing the gospel in unreached communities.  Contact us for more information. 

Mission & Core Values

We look forward to partnering with your local church. Please contact us should you have any questions.