FoH Solagratias Street Project

FACE of HARVEST FoH Solagratias Street Project

Solagratias Street Project

Overview: The FoH Solagratias Street Project is an initiative to help advance wholeness first to the individual, the families and then the community of the street children in Mombasa, Kenya. The project is dependent on building sincere and edifying relationships with and among the street families. The intention is that through good education, enlightening exposure, skill training and personal interactions, we can help the street families not only desire a wholesome productive life, but also help them pursue it diligently and consistently.

We begin investing on the children from the early childhood stages, then the mothers and where possible the fathers and unattended youths. We believe that just as God in His mercy is gracious (Giving us what we do not deserve or earn) so should we do the same in the society. Grace honors and treats the person with dignity and value. Grace provides a safe environment for personal transformation. We hope to see those from the street become successfully assimilated into the society.


1. Build real and sincere relationships
2. With the help and cooperation of the parents, enroll children in good schools without distancing them from their families.
3. Introduce and help teach basic life disciplines e.g. kids doing homework, cleanliness, social etiquette etc.
4. Provide at least one meal a day. Through this teach thankfulness, sharing and value what is freely given.
5. Walk with parents and families as they struggle through personal and corporate transformations
6. Give opportunities for skill learning e.g. tailoring, carpentry, adult education etc.
7. Work closely with the local communities in this efforts


The Street Project Needs: FoH would encourage you to join us by supporting the Solagratias Street Project. To read a brief bio on the Program Coordinator, visit: Jackie’s Bio. For more info on this program please fill out a contact form along with your comments.


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